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I’m on a hiatus from my podcast, Just Around the Corner with Dennis Mansfield, as I prepare for an operation this Autumn. Here are a couple cool things for you to tackle while my past podcast episodes are plentiful, even in my absence. First, try out my AI segment on my website; ask questions of me and, most likely, you’ll get a (pithy?! Ha) answer based on content from the podcasts! app.membership.io/wisdom/GJDJE7l1Pp/ Second, visit my podcasts themselves and start from the beginning- listening as you travel. open.spotify.com/show/4QmxkTdGlcm5XpXthRuSOk

Either way, it’ll be fun to have you poke around in my world!
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I’m on a hiatus from my podcast, Just Around the Corner with Dennis Mansfield, as I prepare for an operation this Autumn. Here are a couple cool things for you to tackle while my past podcast episodes are plentiful, even in my absence. First, try out my AI segment on my website; ask questions of me and, most likely, you’ll get a (pithy?! Ha) answer based on content from the podcasts! https://app.membership.io/wisdom/GJDJE7l1Pp/  Second, visit my podcasts themselves and start from the beginning- listening as you travel. https://open.spotify.com/show/4QmxkTdGlcm5XpXthRuSOk  Either way, it’ll be fun to have you poke around in my world!Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

I’ve now written 10 published books. Most are public, one is private for my family. It started with BeautifulNate.com and my newest one is Empires of Dirt. Oddly enough I’ve only had two of the books available through Audible. The recordings are in my voice which probably accounts for the delay in having ALL of them recorded because it’s a LONG and ARDUOUS process! Ha. (My guess is that I’ll eventually have many of the books completed as audio versions. We’ll see.) In the meantime, if you go to Audible and check for Beautiful Nate and/or To Trust in What We Cannot See , you’ll get the two I mentioned. www.audible.com/search?keywords=Dennis+Mansfield&k=Dennis+Mansfield&crid=46af452480a8445fb062653c...

So, give it a try and see! Let me know what you think of them.
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I’ve now written 10 published books. Most are public, one is private for my family. It started with BeautifulNate.com and my newest one is Empires of Dirt. Oddly enough I’ve only had two of the books available through Audible.  The recordings are in my voice which probably accounts for the delay in having ALL of them recorded because it’s a LONG and ARDUOUS process! Ha. (My guess is that I’ll eventually have many of the books completed as audio versions. We’ll see.) In the meantime, if you go to Audible and check for Beautiful Nate and/or To Trust in What We Cannot See , you’ll get the two I mentioned. https://www.audible.com/search?keywords=Dennis+Mansfield&k=Dennis+Mansfield&crid=46af452480a8445fb062653c890613c9&sprefix=dennis+mansfield%2Cna-audible-us%2C336&i=na-audible-us&url=search-alias%3Dna-audible-us&ref=nb_sb_noss_2  So, give it a try and see! Let me know what you think of them.

Need encouragement? Each month I provide words of courage for your heart and spirit through a quick paced newsletter. Love to have you Subscribe. First, take a look at what I’ve written and see if you’d be open to it. Then, Subscribe. The world’s too lonely to be left alone. dennismansfield.ck.page ... See MoreSee Less

Need encouragement? Each month I provide words of courage for your heart and spirit through a quick paced newsletter. Love to have you Subscribe. First, take a look at what I’ve written and see if you’d be open to it. Then, Subscribe. The world’s too lonely to be left alone.  http://dennismansfield.ck.page